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The Market for Pet Food, Supplies, and Services in China

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The Market for Pet Food, Supplies, and Services in China

Dog and cat owners in urban areas in China spent RMB 206.5 billion (€27.5 billion) on pet food, supplies, medicines, and services in 2020. Pet food makes up the largest part of the market in China. This is the primary driver of its growth. The pet supplies and pet services markets in China are still in their infancy and relatively disparate.

In any case, the market for pet food, supplies, medicines, and services will likely see a boost in sales due to the COVID-19 pandemic

The are people spending more time at home and finding that their pets help curb loneliness and relieve stress.

This report navigates the pet food, pet supplies, and pet services market in China. The document is analysing the existing competitive landscape. You could detailing the latest relevant policies, laws, and provisions. It then moves on to current and future developments, consumer trends, and opportunities and challenges in the pet product market for EU SMEs.

The Market for Pet Food Supplies and Services in China (November 2021)